pop card -- brings you back to point of entry to stack
end mouseUp
-- part contents for background part 1
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X-Tools 1.1
-- part contents for background part 4
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All listed
-- part contents for card part 6
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X-TOOLS: VER 1.1 (freeware)
ABOUT: Use this stack as an XFCN,XCMD resource and reference stack. This card gives a list of the names of the Xresources. All of the resources listed are included in the stack for copying.
The individual cards give a more indepth view of the resources. The syntax is given by the field beneath the resource name. The same rules apply as in Apple's HyperCard Manual. The brackets denotation indicates optional items. The <filename> item generally refers to the whole pathname(in quotes) or to a container with that pathname. XFCNs are usually followed by parentheses containing all the arguements. The main field contains an explanation and usually a few examples. The name on the bottom refers to the creator. Most of the Xresources are public domain, but a few are shareware (denoted by a button next to the creator).
HELP: The main index card gives a list of the Xresources.To go to an individual card click on the resource in the field list. One can sort by ALL, XFCN, or XCMD using the "Extras" menu.This menu also allows one to copy any XCMD / XFCN resource in this stack to another stack.The Lock/Unlock menuitem only pertains to the fields in the individual cards. Deprotect is used to remove a password and reset the userlevel to scripting in a chosen protected stack.
You can add your own XCMDs or XFCNs, just make sure to put the name in the card header(field "xname") and the res type in the associated field (field "xtype").
This stack is actually a compilation of many useful stacks. Much of the actual wording in these stacks has been kept intact so that the creators' original intent could be preserved.
More volumes to follow, so send in your X-resources. Any comments or complaints would be appreciated, especially incorrect information.